I am a motion picture, television and commercial storyboard artist with over
15 years in the field. I have worked on the Academy Award winning
Chicago, X-men, Undercover Brother, The Recruit and many others. My
love of cinema started when I first viewed
2001: A Space Odyssey as a
youth. Since then I have sought out all movies, with a particular affection
for the work of Kubrick, Welles, and especially Hitchcock. The power of
great movies to inspire and transform has stayed with me.

Previously I have worked as a graphic designer, magazine illustrator,
cartoonist and comic book artist. I wrote and drew a weekly comic strip
Captain Crimefighter that appeared in daily newspapers.
Storyboarding gives me a creative outlet that combines my interest in
cinema storytelling and comics. I have also spent time as a pop culture/film
critic and editor/publisher of the alternative magazine
Video Pages.

Ron Hobbs







Telephone: 416-966-0991
e-mail: ron@ronhobbsstoryboard.com